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Lovesick Brits: Nearly One in Four Endure Physical Health Effects of Heartbreak

New research from Vitality reveals the physical effects Brits experience when going through a breakup, highlighting the importance of looking after your mental and physical wellbeing  

7th February, London: New research from Vitality Health Insurance has revealed that almost a quarter (23%) of Brits surveyed have suffered physical health effects because of a broken heart.   

Taking the term ‘lovesick’ to a whole new level, 43% lost their appetite, whilst 22% felt a physical ache highlighting the importance of looking after your health and well-being after a breakup. Other symptoms of heartbreak included experiencing heart palpitations (17%), chest pain (16%), and problems with the digestive system (13%).   

The most common physical health effects felt as a result of a broken heart include:  

1. Loss of appetite (43%)  

2. Disrupted sleep routine causing tiredness/exhaustion (40%)  

3. Restlessness (30%)  

4. Physical aches (22%)  

5. Nausea (21%)  

6. Heart palpitations (17%)  

7. Chest pain (16%)  

8. Problems with digestive system (13%)  

9. Trouble breathing (13%)  

10. Dizziness (11%)  

Dr Katie Tryon, Director of Health and Strategy, at Vitality, confirms it’s not just people’s imagination or the random association of heartbreak with physical ailments. Indeed, emotional heartache can often manifest into physical symptoms such as chest pain and heart palpitations due to a surge of stress hormones following an emotionally difficult event. Alongside the impact to a person’s overall wellbeing, this shows heartbreak can also lead to significant impacts on physical health. As such, Dr Tryon confirms it is vital people take the time to be mindful of their wellbeing in the same way they would any stressful situation.  

While a whopping 73% are aware of the inextricable link between their mental and physical health, a further 61% reported that their physical health took a toll when dealing with the emotional turmoil of a breakup. Examples of this taking effect include a lack of motivation to exercise (26%) and turning to fast food or comfort eating (17%).  

Despite the range of concerning symptoms, only 18% have taken a sick day off to deal with the aftermath of a relationship breakdown. This can be explained as 34% feel particularly uncomfortable discussing their relationship status in the workplace altogether.  

When it comes to the ways respondents attempt to move on after heartbreak, 39% turned to their closest family and friends for support, whilst 20% distracted themselves with a new hobby. A further 16% tried talking therapy to dissect their feelings and help wade through their emotional pain with someone who didn’t know their ex-partner.  

Dr Katie Tryon, Director of Health and Strategy at Vitality health insurance expands on the physical impacts that manifest due to heartbreak:  

“It’s easy to think of heartbreak as only being an emotional pain, but there is a strong link between mental and physical health. 

Alongside a demotivation to keep active and eat healthy, emotional stresses affect your levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and serotonin (happy hormone). By staying active, you can boost your dopamine and serotonin levels.   

Ultimately, the breakdown of a relationship can be one of the most stressful life events, and as such you should look after your health in the same way you would any other high-stress situation. You may not be able to prevent a relationship from ending, but you can prevent it from seriously impacting your short and long-term health and wellbeing by taking care of your needs.” 

Dr Katie Tryon, Director of Health and Strategy at Vitality health insurance shares their top tips on how to minimise the health impacts of heartbreak:   

Be kind to yourself: It’s completely naturally to experience the grief and trauma that can come with heartbreak. Let yourself feel all those feelings but try to focus on accepting and rebuilding yourself after your period of grieving. Your mood and mental well-being are as important as your physical health.  

Keep moving: Staying active is always a good place to start to clear your mind and improve your mood. It is important to maintain your overall physical health during a time when you might lack motivation the most. This doesn’t have to be for long periods or of high intensity, instead, it could be taking a 5-minute walk around the block or stretching / body tapping while waiting for the kettle to boil.   

Keep a balanced diet: Although tempting, it’s also important to not lean into the temptation of consuming fast food and comfort eating. Unlike the movies, pints of ice cream, endless supplies of chocolate, and binge drinking will likely make you feel worse. Instead, make sure you stick to a healthy and balanced diet, to help take care of your mind and body during a stressful time. To do this, eat plenty of healthy foods to keep in tip-top shape.  

Maintain healthy mental habits: I would also advise incorporating some healthy mental habits, such as mindfulness, journaling, using affirmations or practicing gratitude to shift your focus. Please remove references to talking therapies, they are not for everyone going through a breakup, it is for those with a clinical need 

Understand the link between mental and physical health: Whether you’re experiencing heartbreak or not, it’s always important to acknowledge that your mental health can in turn impact you physically. Findings from the Vitality Health Claims Insights Report 2023* found that focusing on mental health reduced the likelihood of hospitalization for physical conditions. 

Vitality Health Insurance is dedicated to preventing ill health before it emerges, encouraging members to be healthier and improving health outcomes.