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Sign Against Sewage Pollution: The Dirty Protest Petition You Sign with Actual Sewage

Every year billions of liters of untreated sewage is dumped straight into the ocean, and for years politicians have chosen to ignore the problem. But for the first time, sewage pollution is being taken to a place where they can’t ignore it; their desks.

A deadly threat to the environment, animals, and people.

Sewage pollution can cause low oxygen levels suffocating fish and sea plants, making the ecosystem of our ocean vulnerable to climate change.

Sewage pollution can also contain bacteria, viruses & parasites that make people sick with gastro-intestinal symptoms, rashes, skin and eye infections, flu-like symptoms, and worse.

Printable ink made from sewage

The Dirty Protest is an online petition that you sign using your phone or touchpad. Your name is then printed using a specially designed ink that features sewage from drain pipes. The petitions are then printed and delivered to the responsible politicians across the globe.

The chairwoman of the European Parliament’s Water Group is the first to sign

Pernille Weiss, Member of the European Parliament and Chairwoman of the Water Group was the first person to sign the petition. Weiss made it very clear why she chose to sign:

“I signed my name in shit to stop untreated sewage from being pumped into our ocean and I need all of you to sign, so we can show every politician that this problem is too big and too important to be ignored.” — Pernille Weiss, Chairwoman MEP Water Group.

Take action, sign your name with shit

Sewage doesn’t care about borders. That’s why The Dirty Protest is the first international collaboration. By signing the petition, you’re not only supporting the fight in your local area — you’re also part of a global initiative to protect the ocean we share.

When you sign the petition, your printed signature will then be delivered to the responsible politician in your country once local petition requirements are reached.

With 1 million signatures The Dirty Protest will be delivered to the European Parliament and any other intergovernmental organisations we think can help make a change.

You can sign it yourself at and learn more about the initiative.

Download all materials from this link.

Facts about sewage pollution:

Over 40% of the world’s population lacks access to safely managed sanitation services.

80% of the world’s wastewater is discharged without treatment to surface waters.

55% of coral reefs and 88% of seagrass are exposed to wastewater pollution, making them more vulnerable to climate change.

Behind the initiative:

The Dirty Protest is a global initiative by Clean Ocean (Rent Hav), Ocean Sewage Alliance, and Renasys.

The campaign is created by Uncommon Creative Studio.

The film is directed and produced by Blenderday Studio.

The website is built by Koaliton.